Happy New Year!

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2015 is here!  Now begins the tradition of setting resolutions for how you will change and improve your lives for the new year.  Out with the old; In with the new!

As I scan social media and read internet news, I’ve read a lot about how people should not make resolutions because they are useless.  The postings point out how with good intentions, you promise to lose weight, save money, exercise, eat better, invest, spend more time with family, quit smoking, etc., the same resolutions made over and over each year.  The postings go on to state that if you are still making the same resolutions year after year, with no results, it’s no use making them again.

I disagree.  The fact that you are still making resolutions every year shows that you are still trying and willing to improve.  You haven’t given up on yourself.  You recognize that you need to make changes to be the person you can be.  However, change is hard.  Even the smallest change requires a huge commitment in time, finances, and resources.  If it was easy, this would be a world of perfect people.  Imperfections are what makes us unique, like a diamond.

In any case, the fact that you make a new commitment every year means that you haven’t failed.  You are successful because you haven’t given up.  You take up your banner every January 1 and work on it as long as you can.  Some things you accomplish; some things take a little longer; some things you may never accomplish.  However, as long as you never give up, you have won.

You fail when you stop trying.  So, continue making your New Year’s Resolutions.  You may not accomplish them this year or this decade, but as long as you keep trying, you are successful!

Now, to start my 30 day abs challenge…

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