Why Blog?

Nowadays, everyone has something to say, and so, there are many bloggers out there.  Blogging is a sure fire way to say your piece, positive or negative.  With so many bloggers, I have always been hesitant about blogging because I always thought of myself as a serious writer, even though I had not published anything as an adult.  I won’t count the short stories published in Highlights magazine when I was a child, or the dozens of half-written novels on my personal computer.  Still, I’m a serious writer…

This year, I decided that I needed to finish some of those half-written novels and began writing feverishly after work and on the weekends.  The problem was that the more I wrote, the more ideas I got, so I’d put that novel aside and start on a new one so I wouldn’t forget my great idea.  The end result was more half-written novels!

Occasionally while writing I’d get this brilliant, or at least brilliant in my mind, peek of a life lesson that I wanted to include in my novel, but no one really wants to read that when they are reading a legal drama – my favorite writing genre.  I thought about writing an inspirational book, but everything I know about writing says that you should stick with one genre, so I kept dismissing the notion.  Yet, the inspirational pieces kept coming.  I thought my mind would pop if I kept suppressing those thoughts so I made the decision to write them down.  Hence, a blog…

I’m not a preacher or a Bible scholar.  I’m not a medical doctor or psychologist.  What I am is a person who perseveres, despite the storm.  I understand that struggles happen in life, and instead of giving up, you fight harder.  This blog will  bestow the principles that keep me going, in hopes that it will also keep you going.

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